Wednesday, September 12, 2012

New Volunteer Opportunities!

Where we've been...where we are...where we're going....

It’s time! No more ‘later’. We need your help with making phone calls!!!!  Here is the good news and the bad news. 
Good: our Phone Banks in Summit and Wasatch County have definitely improved thanks to our star volunteers.  
Bad: I found out last night after meeting with Headquarters that we need to triple our weekly calls.
Good: We are now going to call exclusively into Colorado (the polls show it to be a very, very, very close race there …)  
Bad: We can’t create calling lists for Colorado – they have to be coordinated with the Colorado staff, so we have to plan a week ahead; I must know how many people will be attending each Phone Bank a week before.
So it is time to make your commitment to the Campaign – we have 55 days until Election Day. The Phone Bank schedule for the next month is as follows:
Tuesevery week4-8 pmPhone Bank*Peggy Stuart's home:
113 Paradise Rd., Summit Park
Wedevery week11-6 pmFarmer's MarketThe Canyons - Parking Lot
Wedevery week4-8 pmPhone Bank*Gay Lynn Costa's home
463 So 100 E.
Midway  84049
Thursevery week5:00-9 pmPhone Bank***1890 Bonanza Drive #105
Park City 

Satevery week1-4 pmPhone Bank***1890 Bonanza Drive #105
Park City 


So get out your calendar and make a commitment. Let us know which days you will work for you by contacting:
Fran Craigle at or call her at 801.859.1211
Lets pull together to re-elect Barack Obama and make sure Colorado's 9 electoral votes are part of the 270 votes we need to win!  and Thank You!
Liana B. Teteberg
CDM Consulting Group, LLC
120 Parkview Terrace
Park City, Utah  84098
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